Here we will put all the regular Genji Skins that can either be unboxed from loot boxes or purchased with in-game credits into a tier list.
With so many skins released for our favorite Cyborg Ninja, we will pick out our top 10 favorite skins. In this list, we will be only listing skins that are available in loot boxes or that can be purchased from the in-game store and won from Challenge events. We wanted to show his art and talent here on the c. We will be including the default skins that are always available as well as the skins that are available from Seasonal events as well as limited-time Challenges. I NEED HEALING One of our digital arts on ZeronXepher, Ferris, finished up his speed art on Sentai Genji. Genji sentai helmet Genji steel dragon helmet. Sentai looks like a Power Rangers-themed skin for Genji and all for good reason too. Genji full body Genji ears foam Genji helmet foam Genji hand. “Sentai” or commonly referred to as “Super Sentai” is the Japanese genre name for Power Rangers. You'll be providing that extra bit of support that will go into making more and good quality of toku oc stuff. This skin can be purchased for 1000 credits or opened from a seasonal loot box.